Friday, 23 March 2012

Disney On Ice

Now i forgot to update on this day out!

I was up early and got ready and waited for my cousin, aunty and little one to pick me up. I was ready when my cousin arrived so we got in to the car and then off we went to the NIA. When we arrived we wasnt sure were we could be dropped off as a wheelchair user. So we parked up near the disabled parking. I got out the car and into my wheelchair with little one on my lap we walked around the NIA and was looking for the entrance for disabled customers it wasnt overly well displayed. Once inside the NIA we went up for the show we found our seats which were good.

Disney on Ice was excellent we all really enjoyed it. The princess's were amazing as well as the hero's it was so well put together and has equally made me excited about going to eurodisney in july. Over all a fantastic day out.

We then went to meet my aunty after the show and got in the lift to go back down and we urm got a little stuck, the lift didnt move we tried it twice and still no movement so we swiftly made out way out of the lift and used the other lift.

Disney On Ice was fantastic and i loved it as did my cousin and her little girl it was a really good day out and i look forward to another day out soon with my family.

With love

v xx

My heart

So after 2 long years and a few days of serious worry the time came for me to go back to my heart hospital to see how it was, i was scared and worried but i knew it had to be done.

I was up at 8.30am to get ready for my day. I then went to the bus station with my brother to await the bus. Lucky a bus came earlier than expected and so the journey began a 1 hour journey to Birmingham it was quite and long! We then had an hour to use so we popped to the bullring and had a hot chocolate and then we looked around a few shops to see if there was anything i wanted!

We then went to pick up our tickets for the journey to London Euston. We got on our train with help from network rail workers for a ramp. For the next hour and a half we made our way down to london it was a good journey. We arrived at Euston and eventually wad helped off the train by a virgin representative which was good! We then got my brother's oyster card topped up and then off we went to the bus!

We got the number 30 bus to baker street now you may have guessed my brother has never used public transport in London before and he was really impressed he said its a lot easier to use the buses down here! We then walked to the heart hospital.

After that its a bit of a blur as i saw my GUCH nrews and had a good chat with her about things and then was sent down to have an echo we was waiting around 3 hours! We then went back up to see my consultant as we was going up i looked at my test results and i exclaimed to my nurse well the echo looks good!

After about 15mins i went into see my consultant and i had perfect Blood pressure, 99% sats and heart rate was fine! I am under weight to which he had asked for me to see a dietition again as feels i need better support with my eating. But he said as far as i am concerned your heart is fine and that we could not go for some treatment for my rheumatoid arthritis!

I left with a smile and if i was walking i'd definatly have had a spring in my step! We then got the 18 back to euston and we had some thing to eat although i couldnt eat much because i was so happy with my appointment.

We travled back to birmingham and missed our bus so we waited for an hour then we went bk to bus stop to discover that this was a friday only bus so we had to get a taxi home!

The good news is my hearts in a good state and means medication for my rheumatoid arthritis can now start, happy times :)

v xx

Monday, 5 March 2012

Big far blood test

Well today was the day i had to have a blood test. My cousin came with me as i have a needle phobia. I was brave and had my blood test, my cousin helped by making me occupied with my doctor did the blood test.

I felt rather sick after the blood test and had to have a sick bowl from the doctors! Ive got to ring them on thursday to find out whats going on with my body, lets see rheumatoid has/is doing.

My arm is bruised still.

I dout i'll be able to have bloods done as regular as i need them because the vains are weak and dont give much blood!

So my Monday morning involved a blood test and resting!

Friday, 2 March 2012

Upcoming Heart Appointment

So 24 months has past since ive been to London to see my lovely heart team! To say i am excited sound a little weird but they are like friends/ family to me they have been on such a journey with me since turning into an adult "GUCH" (grown up congenital heart) patient. I mean we have seen partners come and go together lol, my mother passing away, rheumatoid setting in and eating problems establish themselves, i wouldnt change my team for the world!

At points over the past few years i think they have been my first point of call for advise, understanding and general kicking me to get my ass into gear!

With the excitment of seeing my team there is of course the dread of seeing them i mean 24 months in a heart patients life is a long time. I am hopeful of a see you next year unless you have any problems senario but with CHD you just never know!

March's excitment!

I normally have less pain during summer i am sure its because i am more happy with the sun being out and i hope this year i can have some fun as its been a long winter. I know it is only march but let the fun start!

I am off to see Disney On Ice at the NIA in two weeks with my cousin and her eldest and i can not wait .. we are going to see tinkerbell dance around the ice! It will be nice to spend some time with them both bit of a girlie morning!

Then im off to JLS at the end of the month which i can not wait for not seen them for 2 years on stage! It will be a good weekend with my lovely cousin, jls, shopping and food it will be a couple of days and be nice to spend time with my cousin!

I have lots of exciting stuff planned for this coming summer and hope to see lots of my friends and family a long the way and as we get there i'll of course let you know what im going to be doing and of course how it went afterwards.

Will also let you know how the NIA rates with wheelchair friendlyness! I have not before but i have been to a few places and had excellent service so lets hope they match the excitment!

Its been a long winter

Simply by the title you can get the gist of this post!

This past winter has been long and painful in fact ive slept so much just thinking about it seems unbelievable. Ive had no energy often staying in and happy with my own company with my music on or a good book, its been long its been painful but its over!

This winter i managed to go to a few things, olly murs and the saturdays which i am glad i got to go to as other wise winter would have been worse!

I've had many flares a long the way often lasting weeks some times leaving me unable to get dressed. Alot of the time moving seemed a lot of effort with me wincing in pain at just getting up to grab a drink or such.

Its seen a lot of changes to, learning to live on my own accept help throughout the day but it has been worth it because now winter is over and i can enjoy my summer before the big rheumatoid decided its ready to show its face with force on its mind in sept to make me miserable!

So here's to the summer :D