That was the first time I met Fiona, I was at London heart hospital, shy but determine for answers. She greeted me with a smile and said welcome to the clinic and if I needed anything let her know. I then saw the cardiologist who agreed with me no surgery needed, so I told her there and then I ain't going back!
So Fiona and professor deansfield became part of my life from the formidable teenager, we have been through a lot the three of us, break ups, death of my mum, eating disorders, rheumatoid, depression, anxiety and even a few full on breakdowns on the phone!
We have talked for hundreds of hours about things, without Fiona and prof I've no doubt I'd be dead. Why? They know me so well I could ring them for a chat about anything even my eating.
Then today November 24th she rang me up and told me she was leaving the unit, I cried after we spoke for a while, she's not just a nurse she's a friend and someone that I trust.
She said she felt she wanted to ring me rather than just going and I appreciated that. She sats it's not the end, it's not goodbye for ever. But it's broken my heart ...
So professor deansfield don't you be getting no ideas your the only one I have left now from my original team and you rock!
Thank you Fiona and good luck for the future
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