Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Rheumatoid in football terms

So today I saw my consultant and he said I've been thinking about how to describe rheumatoid in different terms. However I think it's quite good! So here it is,

Football manager - the disease
Players - the flare up

The manager is always there but then your players start playing in formation which makes your disease flare and to stop the flare you must break the formation to stop flaring which In turn means the manager has to group to make another flare happen! 

So there you go rheumatoid flare in football terms!!! 

Sunday, 29 March 2015

Just because

You see ibe thought about this blog for a lomg time now, considered weather it should be dome or not but I decided tonight that I'm just going todo it!

So you see pre-rheumatoid I had a heart problem but that was all I would happily get my favourite dress on and my high heels and go out with my partner at the time. Or even go and sit at a sporting event in my jeans a jumper! And people still saw me as a person a young person all be it! 

Fast forward to a few years a go and suddenly I had a wheelchair as well and suddenly I became invisable I mean not totally because lets face it if you know me in have a big mouth and not afraid to use it! Esp shouting at football matches! 

But the truth is I lost a lot of confidence, a lot of friends a lot of people didn't see me as they use to me .. A strong minded female .. All of a sudden I was "vicky in a wheelchair" 


Now if uve followed my blog a while u will know of my adventures it took me a while to have the confidence Togo out and do things in my wheelchair and I am lucky that not all people only see the wheelchair I am lucky I have some friends and not just my footie mates 

This is me in my wheelchair wrapped for a football game at Newcastle, some people will see the wheelchair not the we smile not the girl who's traveled to see her team, not the girl inside 

These are pictures of me standing for a short few seconds or standing out of the wheelchair in my going out clothes .. 

So really what's the difference to a person able or in a wheelchair .. Yes I know the wheelchair but beyond that nothing ..

So this post is really brave but I'm putting it out there to help others who like me want to be seen as a person not just a wheelchair.

Blog soon


Thursday, 26 March 2015

Just when you think you are seeing the light

The past few months I havnt been able to blog so much because I have been up and out quite a lot what with football, Manchester and of course my trip to Dublin all of which have been fantastic!

Then you have to come home and reality hits again and maybe when you though things were going ok but really they were not as good as you thought.

I mean I'm not saying anything is terribly wrong, I'm just saying things could be better in some areas.

Rheumatoid arthritis

Well the good news of course if my knee extension has yet again improved I mean who'd have thought that? My knee has gone from 87 degre angel to 67 degree angel which is just massive for me, I mean I still can not stand for long or walk but it's better than any of us though it could get so I have to be pleased with that progress. 

On the other side of the coin, my very stiff and pain is very bad and in my physios words "your the worse I've seen you in a long time" make your own mind up from that evaluation.

It's not just rheumatoid there is so very much more to this but you know I just can not go Into that right now, because it am still working it out in my own head what went wrong? What the hell happened? 

But you know when I've worked that out I'll be sure to update you all.


I had my hearing assessment today which was long but ok, well bar finding out my right ear is well quite useless, but that's another story all together! 


You see a girl in a wheelchair ... You may think that poor soul, how bad must she be at 30 stuck I'm that wheelchair, maybe im should take pitty on her 

I might be 30 I'm a wheelchair and on my own but my brain works perfectly well thank you and I feel everything like you guys I have feelings you know? 

Just because I am in a wheelchair does not mean I am not independant maybe not as much as I'd like to be but I am.

I live by myself and have done for a number of years, guys may have left me because they could not cope with this disease, friends may have left for the same reason. But guess what 


Monday, 23 March 2015

Liverpool v Manchester United

In July 2014 I applied for away games and one was Liverpool at Anfield and I never thought I'd get a ticket for this match as it's a big match but as uve seen I did!! 

Not long after my 30th I found out I was going to be going to Liverpool away and I was excited! I had said I'd go with my pal Duncan unfortunately he wasn't available for the game (maybe next season!) So in the end I was going Togo and watch mcbusted on Saturday night with my cousin and then go football! Anyway long and short of it was I didn't go to mcbusted and I didn't go with my cousin! I ended up going with a fellow united friend that I'd met at the Cambridge fa cup tie! 

So I was up really early I'm talking 6am my stomach was in knots and my pain was high! Anyway I had to pack my stuff as I'd been here a few days (that's for a different time!) So I eventually got up and dressed and started to pack before I knew it the lads were saying ready? Nope I wasn't! But it didn't take long, thanks lads! 

We checked out and made a b line for a taxi down to bishop Blaize it was only about 9am, I don't think I've ever been in a pub that early! My stomach was in knots and if I had eaten I think I'd have puked on them all! I'd never felt so nervous before a game but then my game routine was different so that's probably why! After the lads had some food and a drink we was ready for the off at 11.30am!

Now I've never traveled my coach before but today was the day that would change! So we get to the bus and peter and another guy got the wheelchair and lifted me up! I was on then Gordon was behind me lifting me into my seat, well more supporting me! As peter folded the wheelchair up! Then everyone else got on! 

Then we were off to Liverpool now I'd never traveled on a bus before so I was a little apprehensive even at this point but all was fine, laughing joking and a bit of singing all the way to Liverpool! 

Then we arrived and parked up! Now this time peter got off the coach with my wheelchair and put it back together and I shuffled to the end of my seat next min I knew Gordon had lifted me up and passed me to someone else and I was before I knew it my wheelchair and a little stunned! 

The walk well push up to Anfield was fine even though I just have looked a bit wary to others! We asked a steward where Togo and was taken to out entrance where we said bye to Gordon who was off to the away end! We were taken into the home end with Liverpool supporters! We accidently ran a few ankles (he was new to the wheelchair it happens to everyone!!)

Then we arrive at our bay and the sudden realisation we are surrounded with Liverpool fans and our fans are already singing and pointing at the home fans .. U no that moment when you want to shout don't point down here we are united fans to!! I met Kevin and Martin on this trip which was lovely we had a good chat! 

Here's the view before the nets were taken down

And me and my friend peter 

Now I won't bore you with a game report! But to say that it was a shame we couldn't be with our own fans but glad the stewards respected our view so well done Liverpool stewards! 

More importantly though we only went and WON the game! Oh and Mr Stevie G got a red card 40 seconds he was on!! 

After the match we were told we could wait for our fans or leave but for our own safety we might want to wait! Well we did for a bit then thought ah bugger in off we went the united wheelchair fans in groups! Back to our bus and peter managed to get me on and in my seat before the rest arrived although had a bit of help from someone!

A very happy trip back to Manchester was had by all on a loud bus! Happy united fans are the best! A little drink up on our return to Manchester before going our separate ways! I kissed my train home and had to get a later train! On a plus though managed to get off my train back in Birmingham hurray!! 

So final words, happy we beat Liverpool on my first trip to Anfield as well! Thanks to peter and Gordon much appreciated! Oh and thanks to all that helped on the coach for helping and making me feel welcome, I was a bit shy! 

My final words are, united fans can get a bat name but we are really one big family and I always feel safe with them around me no matter where we are, home, away or traveling! Until next time football family MUFC! 

Tuesday, 17 March 2015


I had an early night Thursday well for me anyway! I was up really early Friday morning and unfortunately my rheumatoid was on full flow as well! I needed to get dressed and rheumatoid didn't wish to allow so I had a cry trying! I did manage it with a bit of tough talk to myself "get a grip vicky" lol

I left my house at 7:15am and that is very early for an angry rheumatoid body! Now I eventually made it to London about 10:10am and had a decent journey down bar traffic and so forth! 

I then pulled myself around to the cash machine and I was knackered good job my physio has been building my muscles up or I doubt I'd have made it there not alone back again! Then I went back and asked the lovely people at network rail to help to get a cab thankfully they obliged, eventually! 

Then I got in a cab and off to meet my pal Kat! We had been texting all morning and various things how texts can make you laugh and smile! 

First meeting went well and we were a head of time so felt quite pleased! We headed into London for a bus so we could head over to the docklands in London. However after getting off our first bus we found out the next was re-routed so we had to walk! So off we went (well Kat was pushing me!) we got to a standstill! We had the pleasure of watching the aircrafts flying over London and then the military personal march past in the parade to signal the end of operations in Afghanistan, it was a moving thing to witness.

After we were aloud to get going again we had the pleasure of being mis directed (thanks!!!) and were walking around London a little lost with a mobile phone for navigation! We found a tube station who re directed us again and we found a lift down to the DLR (docklands light railway!). Unfortunately this at the place we joined meant a change! So off we went changing our trains! We then went for a walk a little lost lol! We eventually found a hotel and asked and were told to go back on ourselves! We got back to the station and had to re arrange the meeting for another day as we had only 30 mind to get back into Central London! 

Back on the DLR to canning town to join the jubliee line to Waterloo! Then jump in a taxi to the savoy, taxis never do strap me lucky Kat had hold of the wheelchair really! We arrived at the savoy a little late! We had a look at the venue via the kitchens due to wheelchair access! 

Then off to our last meeting and this one we arrived early for, hurray! Weelchair access was much better at this venue! 

I took a couple of snaps at this point for my America friends! 

Here's one I took! 

We then made out way back to euston station and had some food at nandos and had a good chat about the day and life in general! 

Then the long journey home, my uncle met me at Birmingham and it was good to see him after a long day! The motorway was down to 1 lane so it took a while to get home! I got home around 9:30pm 

Over all a long exhausting day however productive! Also was lovely to see Kat before we head up to Manchester in May to see Take That! 

Manchester United v Arsenal Fa Cup

So I arranged my visit for the fa cup game with my childhood neighbour Martin! We have known each other 20 odd years! Althought we havnt seen much of each other since we both left home!

Martin picked me up at about 3:30pm Monday and I was excited as always to be heading up to the football. The journey went quite quickly really as we had a good chat going up and we had a lot of years to catch up on! 

Once in Manchester we parked up I rang some of my mates but couldn't locate them! So we headed for the ability suit! Martin had a beer and I had a water (good girl that I am!!)

The game well I won't go into that! But the stewards as ever frindly and helpful at old Trafford! Always a pleasure to visit my second home! 

After the match I managed to catch up with a couple of my friends hurray! I caught up with my frind peter from Ireland who was over for the match, and my other friend peter and his pal! We had a good half hour joking about laughing before we all went our separate ways.

It was a long journey home with traffic and diversions! But we managed to have a laugh and chat all the way home! 

Was great to meet up with the lads, shame about the result

Was lovely to catch up with Martin again and we shouldn't leave it so long next time! 

Saturday, 14 March 2015

Bit of this and that!

So I have written a lot recently about my travels following Manchester United which has been great fun and I've met lots of new people and had some good times and some not so good times. But I thought I'd go back a bit to tell you a few things so here's goes.


So over the last month or so my pain has been high I mean most would be crying and screaming but I'm kind of lucky I have a high pain thresh hold so I tend to know it's there but can carry on through it. I mean imagine breaking your leg and screaming yes it feels like that 24/7 but don't worry I'm a tough lady and I'll keep on smiling


In general my ra hasn't been too bad recently my hands have been very sore though but I'm sure it'll get bet better in time! My legs are doing well no pain no gain ,. No pain no further movement! 

Experiences with disability

I've had quite a few recently of people being dam rude or just not being considerate although I've had good points as well! As I told you I got stuck round a pole in Dublin which a nice guy helped me out of that problem! But the real problem there was not my driving LOL but the fact the chair was not up to the job and the company have since apologised!

Another matter was in Manchester we was in a pub having a drink as it was my birthday. Anyway I needed the toilet and guess what no wheelchair accessible toilets so we had to go out of the venue and in to another following a bouncer just to use the toilet, not really acceptable in today's day and age.

I need to further look at access at a hotel I'm hoping it's better than it appears from the outside! 

Lifts in London for the tube and dlr are a nightmare I mean who outs a random lift no where near the station for a disabled person, way to go making them feel second rate! 

Buses in London, when a disabled person wants to get on the bus how about moving your buggy because that space is for wheelchairs .. No instead drivers just drive past stating someone is in it what a child in a pram, fold your pram up! 

People talking to the person pushing the wheelchair instead of me it's so rude and to be honest makes you feel bad, you know I have a brain right?


Firstly it's really sad but it's been necasry to start deleting people some of these I've known for over 10 years but if they continually let me down and promise to meet up then never do I'm afraid I don't have the energy for these people any more. I've been really looking long and hard at my friendships because some times u have to let go to move forward and even long term friendships don't last forever.

I am lucky I have some really good friends, I mean I know technically my cousin isn't my "friend" but she's like my best friend/cousin/sister all in one! She's always there for advice and the good times and the bad too. 

Where as others aren't there for the bad and even the good, just look at my birthday! However Eric did come out and we had a fantastic night even if none of us really have a clue about the night, well I don't lol! 

I've also met some new friends along the way aprecently and met up with old friends like my recent trip to Olf Trafford and I caught up with Martin and that was lovely.

New or old friends it doesn't matter what matters is you take me for who I am and wether I'm in the wheelchair forever or start walking it shouldn't matter.

What I've been up 

I need to do a couple of new blogs about my recent trip to old Trafford with Martin but it's still hurts! Also my recent trip to London with Kat

What's up coming

Well next weekend I am going to Manchester and Liverpool more on that in the coming weeks I am sure! 

Have a fantastic weekend everyone. Keep smiling and remember just because I have 4 wheels doesn't make me less of a person

Thanks for reading and your on going support with my battle with rheumatoid 

Much love xx

Friday, 6 March 2015

Newcastle united v Manchester United

In the words of the united fans "oh what a night!"

My first trip to St James's park in a wheelchair I wasn't too sure what to expect. Firstly hurray we got free parking by the ground which was ideal for us as it was under ground too, this was of course booked in advance! 

So Wednesday I woke up and my rheumatoid is still giving me grief but I battled through. I got ready and before I knew it andy was here for the journey up north! The journey was nice we chatted about lots of different things and it seemed to pass quite quickly until we hit the long 50mph zone that seemed to drag for agies! Before I knew it we saw the monument than means .. "Welcome to the north" to many! 

I took this as we drove past! As you can see it was a lovely evening in Newcastle! Upon getting to the ground we had to ask where we could park the car and were directed and then when we met those stewards they directed us again, we had made it with a painkiller taken on the way as my joints were seriously hurting.

We sat in the car and ended up laughing at something which was hilarious to be fair! Lets just say those northern lasses don't have slam there boots!! LOL

Then we went for a little trip around the stadium and saw the famous steps and of course got a picture outside 

I was ready for a good evening!! 

Getting into the stadium was relatively easy with a lift to the 7th tier I was slightly disappointed that there wasn't a steward to help wheelchair users and others with mobility issues use the lift first! Once we had reached the 7th level we realised we was at access 20 and where the disabled toilet was (not my access point) so we had to poke and shout out way through the united fans .. Have you heard my roar haha!!! Upon reaching access 18 we found our seat quickly which was a really good view of the pitch and I loved being able to see Newcastle light up at night.

I was actually quite warm but then andy had his flag in front of us so I think that protected me from the wind a little!! The fans were in high spirits singing throughout! Then the 89th minute goal arrived and OMG it went mad happiness, relief, cheering, singing louder! When the final whistle went the fans were going out full of joy and singing! A fantastic atmospher! 

Here I am looking knackered and my hair looking dodgy after removing the famous pink hat!! 

Thank you Newcastle your stadium is a credit to you and disabled facilities some of the best I've seen at away grounds this season! 

We drove to scotch journey via a divert, I took more pain relief and had an unsettled sleep tossing and turning with pain. They journey home seemed quite quick and the recovery began! 

I'm off to Old Trafford Monday for the FA cup game against Arsenal, be good to get back to our home ground! 

Thank you Newcastle and see you Monday old Trafford! 

Thursday, 5 March 2015

For the love of the game!

Only a short blog this evening but I wanted to tell you all something.

I Have rheumatoid its really tough for me and some days my pain is awful other days it's bare able it's just one of those conditions you never know what your going to get.

But I crnt let the unpredictability of my condition stop me doing something I love! 

I go to as many football games as I can get tickets for! You see though after a game my body hates me for a day or 2 or 3 or 4 but I'll still go game after game you know why because I love the game of football and I love mufc! I mean my family and frinds worry about me but I'm alright I have a good group of friends and people I've met that I don't feel I'm danager even if I'm on my own I don't feel worried after all we are just one big family mufc

Goodnight everyone my Newcastle united v Manchester United be up tomorrow!! 

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Gary walk for greyhounds written by Gary Lewis

On my travels....

Earlier on this year I was made aware that Greyhound Rescue Wales was going to have a Sponsored Walk along the Taff Trail. The Taff Trail being a 55 mile (89 km) walk starting in Brecon, a quaint market town in South Powys, then traverses to Talybont -on-Usk, across part of the Brecon Beacons, specifically walking along the Talybont Reservoir, Merthyr Tydfil, AberfanAbercynon, Pontypridd, Nantgarw,Taffs Well before arriving in Cardiff, walking through Sophia Gardens and Bute Park, past the Millennium Stadium andfinally ending in Cardiff Bay.

Gary will be taking part in this walk over a weekend in June, Friday will be the longest walk, and will consist of some 22 miles from Brecon to Merthyr Tydfil. The Saturday, will be a shorter walk, from Merthyr down to Nantgarw, then on the Sunday, the walk will consist of walking from Nantgarwdown to Cardiff Bay, where I am hoping to pick up my own Greyhound "Jolene" in Bute Park, before walking the final two miles to Cardiff Bay, as part of the Great British Greyhound Walk.

More about Greyhound Rescue Wales.

Greyhound Rescue Wales is the longest established greyhound charity in Wales and the only all Wales charity dedicated to rescuing and re-homing greyhounds and lurchers. GRW is a charitable company limited by guarantee, company number08411721, and was established in this new form on 2nd June 2013.

Our dogs are given to us directly by their owners or we take them in as strays after they have been abandoned. Our dogs receive all the loving care and veterinary treatment they need for as long as they are with us. All are also neutered, vaccinated, wormed and micro-chipped.

Greyhound Rescue Wales campaigns ceaselessly to spread the message that greyhounds and lurchers make wonderful pets. We are currently working with key partners to make sure that all greyhounds in Wales receive protection in law in the future. Greyhound Rescue Wales is an entirely voluntary organisation so all the funds we raise are put to good use with the lowest possible overheads.

Greyhound Rescue Wales began in 1993 with a small group of people trying to rescue greyhounds and lurchers in the Swansea area. Over the next few years the organisation grew quickly and attracted support from many parts of Wales. Greyhound Rescue Wales became a registered charity in 1996 when it became able to cover the whole of Wales. 

GRW work is focused on rescuing and re-homing greyhounds and lurchersThey also aim to raise awareness that greyhounds make wonderful pets and to achieve proper legislation to protect racing greyhounds in Wales. Over 1,800 greyhounds and lurchers have since been found permanent homes.

Please sponsor me with this event and help raise Pounds (Dollars or Euros) for Hounds!

Written by Gary Lewis, please find below his fundraising link for this walk 
