Friday, 20 January 2012

Living with two life long conditions

So many people think it must be so hard to live with rheumatoid and yeah it is but you know its not my only invisible condition i actually have two. Rheumatoid and Techtrology Of Fallots.

So it all started when i was born in the local hospital and shortly after this i was taken to Birmingham Childrens Hospital a sick baby. I had 2 shunts done i was christened in the hospital as they wasn't sure i'd live then when i was 4 years old i had Open Heart Surgery to correct my condition as i had a hole in my heart. I was very sick between 0-4 and spent a lot of time in hospitals and people wonder why im not keen on hospitals or food! I have also had one cardiac catheter when i was younger. Although i had the repair im still likely to need more open heart surgery in the future and will need on going cardiology support.

Then as you know unless your new to my blog i gained rheumatoid at the age of 23 years old.

So since i was young ive known doctors and nurses infact they are part of my life. I mean ive been in hospitals all my life ive been poked and proded by professors, my consultants, by GPs even student doctors its part of life. I had test's done all my life, bloods, E.C.Gs are normal to me and Echocardiograms are just the norm and not forgetting the chest xrays always a joy!

So as you can see its always been the same 0-23 i was use to this constant doctor help and constant doctors involvment in my life. But when i turned 23 it was like OMG i see a lot of doctors because now i have 2 consultants, technically i should have 3 as my hearing isn't great either! I have 3 medical nurses GUCH (grown up congenital heart nurse), Rheumatoid Nurse and lets not forget my Asthma nurse! Then you have to look at the Occupational theropist, the Physiotheropist, the Dietician and even a councilor to help me deal with loosing my mum.

So you see you may not be able to see my invisible health problems and when you do know about them you dont realise the full back room staff thats behind me, helping me stay "vicky" shocking really just how many people are involved. I am so thankful for my team and the work/help/care/compassion they show to me every single day and visit. Also to my old team at the Childrens hospital both Cardiology, Audiology and at the QE in Birmingham Cardiology and my old rheumatology at worcester.

But essentially there are so many other people involved who keep me going ... just so many people to mention they are all fantastic people carer's, general hospital staff, receptionist, pharamcy, support workers, social worker and of course family and friends!

So i may be one person but i have many many people behind me who keep me together and make me smile.

Im use to doctors but if i hadnt been it would have been a shock at 23 to be introduced to the world of medical help i dont think i would have handled sitting in hospitals waiting or the constant appointments.

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