Friday, 5 October 2012

Rheumatoid didnt beat me but it gave a good go!

Soo the next few months, i intend on relaxing a lot so i can enjoy my christmas with my family as i love spending time with them. I am off to see Cheryl cole next week my last concert of 2012 and i am quite excited! Then im off on my last holiday this year with my family at christmas we are off to see Santa! I see my consultant next week were i will find out whats coming next in terms of health, what treatment next, what my body will tolerate i dont know. Am i scared i sure am because its a step into the unknown but i am very lucky to have a fantastic group of friends and family around me who i know will be there for me through thick and thin no matter what happens. Im back to see my cardiologist in December to make sure my hearts playing OK depending on treatment choices but hopefully i have many years ahead before the dreaded Open heart surgery becomes reality but i know deep down that when it comes i'll be ok because i have friends and family who will be there to tell me its going to be. I know i need to rest and realax this next few months so my body can recharge and prepare for my next battle and also get back to were it was pre-summer. Its not easy having Rheumatoid but you can not let it win and believe me at times ive wanted to let it win because it hurt so much and the pain got to much but i got through because of my family and my friends they are always by my side. xxx

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