Yeah i know i GO on and on about friends in my blog but they are so important to me and help me more than they know so heres a whistle top tour of my gooduns!!
Now i'll let you into a secreat life for me would be ALOT harder with my friends and alot more boring because they are just AWESOME! They really are a special bunch of guys and girls!
Now it may be just facebook messenging me, tweeting, whatsapping funny pictures and imessenger or a good old fashioned text/phone call but they all make me laugh when i need it, they listen to my moans and my cries of pain and frustrations and they still come back for me!!
Some ive met in real life, some are virtual friends but they are all fantastic ... i mean they put up with me after all!!! There very own special crazy brummie friend!! hehe
Now my friends have done a lot this year from driving to pick me up for a 4 hour round trip, to pushing me to old trafford and the armdale (shopping ekkk) to driving me to beautiful scenes in France, to getting me drunk, to supporting me with my food and watching me eat food and feeling as happy as me! To pushing me on the beach to getting me in the sea, to esculators and toilet stories lol, treakimg round london with a wheelchair that tube is a nightmare! Oh and the walk around the block in 28c british weather!!!
You are all fantastic and i love you all new and old friends its been quite a year so here's to 2014 many more adventures!
Sam, sarah, katy, joanna, claire, hazel, mark, duncan, eric, mike, ian, peter, joy, cydny, amber, mary, fiona, james, hazel (same name diff person), kaz, matt, shaun, kat, muds, joanna, shaun, meina, george, jackie, gill, chris, denia, Kat, bex, carene, laura, liam, victoria, amadanda, ben, peter, Grant and many many more
I love you lot loads .. uve got me through a tough year xxxx
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