Friday, 20 December 2013

My health review in 2013

Well its been a bit of a journey this year so heres goes!!

Heart - well overall my team have been happy with my heart when i saw them and ive been encouraged to drink on holidays for the calories of course! There wasnt any issues when i saw them and they seemed happy with me. I havnt had any issues with my heart with all the flying this year. The only concern ive had was with my ankles during the hot summer the UK had but i think in general it affected everyone so my team wasnt particularly worried which was a relief. When ive seen my GPs this year my sats have always been high and heart rate about the same, just above 100bpm. I look forward to seeing my heart team in February 2014 :)

Rheumatoid Arthritis - Well what a year. I have had quite a few flare ups this year that have been awful. But i learnt that warmer countries definatly help my arthritis which is why i enjoy holidays for the heat! I discussed with all my teams in great depeth and decided after much consideration that id give methrotrexate another go. to be honest its been tough! Sickness feeling of being hungover every week without the fun of drinking hasnt been the best i have to be honest. Unfortunaly my good knee has got worse and at times i really stuggle so i dont know what 2014 will hold in that respect. I had some physio when i returned from France and i was deverstated to hear that they think i shall never walk again and at 28 this was truely deverstating and broke my heart into small pieces but i will fight on with a smile on my face.

Hearing - My hearing has got worse this year and now i need a hearing aid which has been a big step for me but with my new aid (24 hours old lol) its weird being able to hear things id forgotten about or never heard like the tapping noise on the tablet/mobile!!!

Eating - Its been tough i have been at my lowest weight of 5 stone and nearly admited to hospital for treatment to being a stable 5 stone and 7lbs at my last weight in (3 weeks ago!). Im making good progress i eat every day now and ive reintroduced food that i havnt eaten since my mum died so thats real progress

Depression - Its been a tough year with depression but with the help and support from my doctors i am fighting back to my best and in time i shall be back to happy smiley vicky again.

lots of love

v xxx

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