Sunday, 6 November 2011

The night before

I always get excited the night before anyone's birthday more so when it is a major birthday because you no they are getting some thing they will love, but more importantly knowing you give them back some thing for all the help and support they give you over the past year, my dad does a lot for me and i love him. He's my step dad but he's like a real dad to me, he would never let me struggle knowingly, he has even offered to walk 3 miles on his birthday to help me in the morning, hes the best, i dont expect him to but the fact he said he will means a lot, i hate RA even means he has to contenplate it but i love the fact RA has made my relationship with my step dad much stronger.

Well today i slept 10 hours again, on top of that ive had 2 mini naps. I think i am going through a stage of pure fatigue its a pain it really is. Havn't really been up to much i went to my dads for lunch which was nice as i got to see my brother to. He took me to the supermarket to get a few bits and as ever its always fun im sure he gets a power trip from it! Then came home i was going to watch the second half of Wolvs v Wigan and then Fulham v Spurs but i fell asleep for part of the games, ah well least it wasnt one of my teams! Although we don't want to talk about Reading v Birmingham because we lost its such a shame!

Tomorrow is going to be a long day as i have hospital for 2 hours at a rehibilitation unit for my knee! Then im going to pick my dads cake up and then going to see him with my family! Then home again. Ive got my RA meeting this week i look forward to seeing my NRAS people (national rheumatoid arthritis society) im also seeing my doctor this week and im going to get my couisin a birthday card on friday! Im on count down for my electric wheelchair which is coming a week on monday i am so excited and hope it will spell the end of the constant flaring as my joints wont be under so much pressure!

blog again xx

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